Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm B o r e d

AUS: Fri Apr 15, 12:52pm / T.O: Thurs Apr 14, 10:52pm

I may be wrong, but I beleive I may have written a similar post last semester over the break. I am So Very Happy that I am not stressed and busy with assignments, but I'm a teeny tiny bit bored.
It's Day3 of holidays; for me anyway, some people are finishing classes today; but mostly everyone I know - are gone travelling, or busy *sigh*. This is totally a self-pity post. I think my main problem is that I've grown accustom to waking up way to early in the morning. I'm usually out of bed by 7:30/8am and by the time it's early afternoon I've been up for so long it feels like the days going to go on forever.
Ok, enough of this. I'm going for a walk. xo

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