Thursday, April 21, 2011

Chicken Soup for the Sniffles

AUS: Fri Apr 22, 12:34am / T.O: Thurs Apr 21, 10:34am

Since my last post I've been dealing with the most annoying cold of all time. I spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday in bed watching movies unable to breathe. Since Tues I've started to feel a bit better each day but it put all of my holiday travel plans on hold.
I keep forgetting that it's Easter this weekend. The Coast is busy with people on holidays, vacationing by the beach - there have been screaming kids in the pool every day (rain or shine) for the past week. Today, by some miracle, it was nice and quiet so I took my book down and enjoyed the sunshine, quiet and fresh air.
Easter will come and go for me this year which is fine, but I am missing the family dinners - ham & pies and seeing everyone.
10 Weeks today until I fly home. It seems unreal. Part of me feels like it was forever ago I was home for christmas, part of me feels like it was just yesterday I was getting here for the first time. I worry I'll come home and feel like I was never even here, thought I'm excited to get home to my life.
I'm headed to bed so I can continue to rest up and get rid of the sniffles for good.
Happy Easter Everyone

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