Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

AUS: Fri Apr 22, 4:05pm / T.O: Fri Apr 22, 2:05am

It's Good Friday and it has been the most wonderful day possible.
I started by sleeping in, had a chat with Darren (or would have except the internet was being funny), went to the beach to soak up some sun, took a dip in the pool to cool down and then went for a walk along the Mooloolaba Esplanade where I indulged in a caramel frappacino from Starbucks and people watched before aimlessly wandering back to the apartment. The sun is shining and there isn't a cloud in the sky. This, is the reason I'm here. This, is what relaxed and happy looks like. I'm so lucky, so spoiled.
Cheers to a good Friday at home as well.

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