Saturday, September 11, 2010

Practicum Placement

T.O. Sat Sept 11, 7:19pm / AUS Sun Sept 12, 9:19am

They released our prac placements to us. I am going to be teaching at Pacific Lutheran College.

My mentor teacher's name is Terry Clark (like the country singer), I'm not sure if it's a guy or a girl. Based on the y at the end of Terry, I suspect it might be a man, which leads me to believe I am teaching a higher grade level of primary, but I don't know for sure yet.

The pro's: It's a private school! Very excited about the resources and funding that the school will have. There are at least two other girls in my program going to the same school. It looks like a good school!

The con's: It's in Caloundra. Which is not close. It's not That far away, but there's a ** next to my name that says we will be in touch about information regarding your transportation. What I've heard is that if your school is more than one bus ride away they organize a carpool for you - fingers crossed for a carpool!!! The drive to Caloundra is 30 min. without all the bus stops, I don't want to know what it would be like with all the stops! It's religious. On our placement forms they specifically asked us to specify if we didn't want a religious affiliation. I checked that box. A girl Erika I'm here with wanted a religious school and got the state school next to mine. It's nice to know they read our forms. Anyway it's just a 6 week stint and I'm not sure it won't be a big deal.

Aside from the distance I'm really excited. I have to reach out to the school now to speak with my mentor teacher and get some information around the gr. they teach, that I will be teaching and what time they start in the morning and the dress code. I forgot my black pin stripe pants at home -- cannot believe it!!! Going to go to K-Mart with Sara in the next couple of weeks to pick some stuff up so I can be dressed appropriately.

Aside from that it's been a pretty relaxing weekend. Yesterday Leyla, Sara and I headed down to the beach to forget all our troubles and worries. It was the perfect day. We lay in the sun, went swimming, walked the shops, and enjoyed icecream. I also found this adorable clothing store called Go Girl that has everything on sale all the time. I bought a dress for $20!!! With the exchange it's as though I only paid $14 for it and it's Beautiful and Perfect for around here And for my trip to Panama in Dec -- PLUS I am going to have an awesome tan for my tropical trip! I love birthday presents that extend!
Such an exciting year for travelling - Australia and Panama - it's unbelievable!!!

Gotta run, today is all about getting groceries and studying for my exam on Tues night!

Loves <3

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