Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm Teaching Gr. 5!!!!!

T.O. Mon Sept 13, 5:35 am / AUS Mon Sept 13, 7:35pm

I talked to Sam Mallinder today, who organized all of our Workplace Learning (prac) allocations. My mentor teacher (Terry Clark) is a male Gr 5. teacher and so I will be molding the brains of 10 year olds! Yay!
I'm going to call the school tomorrow to get more info on what time classes start each day and the dress code.

I have a dr. appt on Wed morning to fix this thing in my throat, it's more annoying than ever. I woke up in the night coughing so badly I was up for an hour and almost developed a stellar 6-pack of abs. I just want my regular voice back!

Sara and Clinton are coming over to watch Vampire Diaries tonight b/c for some reason my unit gets 50 more tv channels than anyone else in Rez.

Nothing else new to report.

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