Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good News Day

T.O. Wed Sept 15, 8:33pm / AUS Thurs Sept 16, 10:34am

Congratulations to Afton and Scott who welcomed babies Eden Jane and Wyatt Dean into the world earlier today!!!!!! You guys are going to be awesome parents :)

In other good news my roommate who is messy and lazy and never cleans up after himself, but is otherwise a nice enough guy, is going away for a week on holidays and I am so excited about how clean the apt is going to stay while he's away. I also overheard that my other roommate may be taking his girlfriend on a weekend getaway, and my roommate Leah left last week for her school break -- I Get The Place All To Myself -- So Excited!

Even more good news: I went to the dr. yesterday and I finally have some medicine to help me get better. I feel like it's working already!!!

I have to give a presentation today in my 4pm tutorial and then I am done and can begin to enjoy my holidays for the next week.

All in all, good news today!

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