Friday, September 17, 2010

Pract Starts at 8:25am Mon Oct 11th

T.O. Fri Sept 17, 9:37pm / AUS Sat Sept 18, 11:37am

I was in contact with my prac teacher yesterday. We'd been instructed to connect with our schools asap as next week they go on holidays for two weeks and then prac starts a week after that. When I called he happened to be on lunch so I was able to introduce myself and ask a couple of questions. He sounds like the nicest man, though maybe a little bit of a scatter brain - he didn't even know the day I was starting with the class.
First thing he said to me was: Courtney, judging by your accent you sound very Canadian. He explained that he had a Canadian in his class last semester as a pre-service teacher and had a great experience.
It was a quick chat because he had to finish lunch before going back to class but I was able to find out that:

- classes start at 8:25am. I will have to be there at least 20 mins. before. There are rumours that the shuttle that takes all of us teaching out of town leaves here at 7:15am so that shouldn't be a problem. he already told me he doesn't ever expect me to stay later than my shuttle leaves at the end of the day either.

- it's a good class, nice bunch of kids.

- they're working on a 'countries around the world' unit (they've already covered canada though), a packaging unit in science, standard english, standard maths. and as christmas is approaching we'll be spending a lot of time getting excited about that, which is great because I Love Christmas!
I'm also going to try introduce halloween to the class but I might have to get it cleared with the principal as the night of all hallows eve don't exactly fit with the Lutheran beliefs.... but I really just want them to be able to dress up and eat candy, because it's fun, not b/c they'll learn something :)

- every Tues for an hour at the end of the day they play volley-ball. He said it's up to me if I participate the first week or not, after that it sounded mandatory. crap.

- I asked about the dress code .... he mumbled and hmmm'd and haaa'd and then explained what he was required to wear before settling on letting me know he really has no idea what the expectations for womens dress is. We settled on business casual plus a little more. I'm going to check with the other ladies in my classes going to the same school to see if they got more details around that. I have to buy a nice pair of black pants. Not sure if I mentioned this before but I forgot my dress pants -- of all things!!! Was at the shops yesterday to have a look around but there wasn't much to choose from. And I'll have to have them hemmed of course.

- other than that I will have to find out on my first day. I am really really excited!

In non-school related news, Marieke saw a snake the other day. A big one. And it was a baby snake. If anyone ever sees a snake we're supposed to report it because if it's dangerous they kill them. The one Marieke saw was a Carpet Python, completely harmless, they left it to go about it's slithering up the tree. It gives me shivers.

When shopping with Clinton and Tara yesterday I got the most amazing pair of shoes EVER on SALE. They're amazing. I'm wearing them around the house I love them so much. Not practical at all, but who ever said they need to be!

If the rain continues to hold off today the plan is to grab some groceries, I'm out of all the staples... bread, milk, peanut butter... and laundry. I hate doing laundry.
Wish the weather would get nice so that the break could be spent at the beach though the rain makes me more motivate to get all my work done. Speaking of, I got an HD on my Health & Phys Ed unit - yay!!!

- court

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