Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I am slowly going crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 switch - Slowly going crazy am I 6 5 4 3 2 1

T.O. Wed Sept 22, 10:07 pm / AUS Thurs Sept 23, 12:07pm

I'm on hoidays this week. I am soooooooooooooo bored. It has been cloudy and overcast and threatening to rain for what feels like forever.
fri - rain
sat - rain
sun - rain
mon - rain
tues - rain
wed - rain
thurs - rain again!!!
The plans for holidays was to go to the beach, spend some time in Noosa National Park. All on hold because of the weather. Forecast for the next week: you guessed it - Rain! I shouldn't complain, I feel worse for everyone that paid to go away for holidays, some who went south to Sydney area have had some alright weather, but those who went north to Whitsunday's ... and paid upwards of $1000.00 for the week - it's been pouring on them the whole time. Not cool.
It's getting a little depressing though! I don't know how people in England do it. And it's just such a kick in the butt because you know above that thin layer or grey the sun is blazing hot. It's so ridiculously muggy too. No one has ever embraced frizzy hair the way you're forced to do so here, there's no controling it.
The nice thing about the terrible weather is that typically it makes you feel less guilty about not getting work done because you're too busy soaking up the sun. Unfortunately I'm so not motivated to do any work - I'm on holidays - I want to be having fun. I'm forcing myself today to be a good student. I have done some stuff but today it's my whole day.
Other ways I'm beating the boredom: went to the gym, googled images of pugs, cleaned my room, went for a run arond the ponds, and blogging.
I must say it hasn't been all bad, Tuesday night Marieke and Clinton hosted a cocktail party which was a lot of fun. They're following up with a wine and cheese party because when they bought cheese for the cocktail party they received a free book about cheese and the wines that go well with them. It's going to be delicious!
10 weeks til I'm home for Christmas - Seems way too early but I'm getting excited about shortbread, fondu, lights, snow and presents!!!

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