Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Met Mr. Young

T.O. Sun Sept 26, 7:48am / AUS Sun Sept 26, 9:48pm

Holidays are over! Tomorrow morning the alarm will buzz at 6am for my 12hr Monday. Only two more Mondays like this to go, that's when the alarm will be going off at 5am everday (ouch). In two weeks time it will be the night before prac (eeek!)

Speaking of prac ... my roommate Eddie is here in the same program as me, but started in Feb. On Friday night two of his friends from classes came over to stop in and say hi. Naturally we started talking prac placements and it so happens that the guy who was here to see Eddie had my exact prac class last semester! Here's how it went:

Eddie: Where are you guys placed?
Girl (never got her name): Catholic school in Kawana
Mr Young (never got his first name): Pacific .. ummm
Eddie: Pacific Lutheran?
Mr Young: No, Pacific united something. I was at Pacific Lutheran last semester though.
Me: Really? That's where I'm going!
Mr Young: What grade?
Me: 5
Mr Young: With Terry Clark?
Me: You're Mr. Young??? The Canadian student from last semster that Mr. Clark was telling me about on the phone?
Mr Young: Ya, it's an amazing class and he's a great mentor teacher.

What are the chances?!!? Of course my continued problem is that no one knows what the dress code for women is! Mr. Young didn't know. Liz has a male mentor teacher like me and Christena's female mentor teacher hasn't gotten back to her at all yet. I'm just going to go in and hope it's appropriate attire. I mean, it's not like I'm planning on dressing in hot pants and a bra! I found some black pants at Target. The sizes in Australia are enough to make you want to cry (add 4 sizes to your usual) but they were 25% off and fit nicely. It's been getting hotter and hotter here everyday as we head towards summer, I really hope full pants aren't necessary everyday, I've got really nice kapri's that would do the job just fine.

So it's bedtime but I'm really craving chocolate so I'm going to venture off and see if I can find something, namely a big glass of water to fight off the craving.

Goodnight, sweet dreams and enjoy your Sunday - I'm sure most of you aren't even up out of bed yet!

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