Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's A Good Day for Watching Movies ... and not much else

T.O. Thurs Sept 9, 10:28pm / AUS Fri Sept 10, 12:28pm

If Anyone Ever Needs To Call Me From Canada, For Anything (emergencies, because you miss me, because my voice is just so sexy), This Is What You Must Dial:
011 61 450 521 184

It is POURING today. I have to walk over to recpetion to pay my rent. I'm not going until it calms down. I refuse to get soaked while shelling out too much money to live in a place that tries to rip you off as much as possible. It's just not happening. I was going to go buy groceries today as well, also not happening. My delicious chicken salt fries will have to wait.

Something's up with my throat. Through the persuasion of my mom I called some doctors in the area to see if I can get an appt. but no one has a spot open until Monday morning. Walk-in clinics I will never take for granted ever again. I think it might be strep, but I've never had strep in my life so I'm not sure what it should/shouldn't feel like. I WebMD'd the symptoms for strep but nothing but the sore throat matches. In any case I hope it is gone soon!!!

My maths assessment is done! And submitted! Yay!!! I am going to spend the rest of this rainy day getting some readings done and watching movies. Then I am going to celebrate the end of the day by drinking - mostly to make up for the fact that almost Everyone else in Rez last night was partying like crazy and I was working on assignments! And I'd just like to add that while I was so diligently working on my assignment, my roommate had all of his friends over to our balcony and had a massive party. The party went on hiatus for a couple of hours while they were at the bar and then picked up again in our living room at 2:30 in the morning. Was. Not. Impressed.
They'll get theirs... they can count on it.

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