Saturday, August 28, 2010

S A T U R D A Y ... Hey!

T.O. Sat Aug 28, 5:35am / AUS. Sat Aug 28, 7:35pm

Sorry - I love that song. I believe it's the Bay City Rollers. It's appropriate because it's Saturday night. I'm trying to write a unit plan. I am successfully failing at being productive. I had a productive day though, I picked up some groceries, did laundry, got my readings for the week done while tanning (getting some colour back - Yes!), made dinner, cleaned my room ..... all that's left is this annoying assignment.
It's not due until the end of the week but I am going to the zoo tomorrow so I promised myself I would work on it today. I blame writers block.

I'm finally better, just a slight cough left. I am thankful I got sick before prac, hopefully that's it for this semester and I remain nice and healthy for the rest of the year. We're officially halfway through classes. Monday morning welcomes Week 6, we're in classes for 10 weeks then prac for 6 weeks and then it is time to pack up and head home to the snow covered trees for christmas.
It's been a rough week. I'm missing home. I wish I could give my family big hugs.

Going to give this unit plan the old college try before I quit for the night. Should have more to update after the zoo adventure tomorrow!


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