Sunday, August 29, 2010


T.O. Sun Aug 29, 2:00am / AUS Sun Aug 29, 4:00pm

We Went To The Zoo Today! It was SO AWESOME, I loved everything about it. We got up super early to be there when it opened and spent almost the whole day walking around seeing everything.
We saw the Asian Elephants get washed and do some tricks while learning the difference between Asian and African elephants - it's all about the amount of toenails. The crocodile show was amazing. They incorporated other reptiles and had a bird show to get started and then they brought out the crock who swam around the pool and was fed. I got some great pictures of him coming up out of the water mouth wide open. My favourite part of the day was the koala's and kangaroo's. In the kanga pen you can just wander around and pet them, I could have stayed there all day. We got some good pictures of that as well. Sara tried to get right down in the dirt with one for a picture and when she sat down it got up and hopped away, she was a little insulted. Even better than the kangaroo's were the koala's. I've never seen one before that wasn't on tv so I took so many pictures of them. When they're all balled up sleeping in the trees they reminded me of popples. Absolute best part of the day - Holding A Koala! They are so soft, their claws are so sharp, and they smell kinda funny, but it was Amazing!
It was such a good day.

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