Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ew, germs.

T.O Sat Aug 14 2:16am / AUS Sat Aug 14 4:16pm

I'm Sick! Sadface!
It's been going around, it was only a matter of time. And I'm in the middle of 'winter' without a hair dryer. So far, it's a very very very sore throat and the chills. A sore throat is always the first step in my cold's - it then moves to the nose and then the chest. I bought honey-centre butter-menthol lozenges, they're strange. The store didn't have Halls. Essentially the same thing, but different - as most things here are. I am drinking water/tea like craaaaazy trying to flush it out before it gets any worse - if missing out on a beach day can get any worse.

The good news: I got my paper done! 500 word formative essay on Piaget's theories and how they are implemented in the classroom. I've also picked up all the supplies I need for my persentation on Wed. I am teaching the class about colours - primary, secondary and complementary. Feels good to be getting these things out of the way! All that's left is a math lesson plan, a primary curriculum unit plan, and my readings for the week. I can do it!

I'm going to Sara and Leyla's for dinner tonight. Carbonara with garlic bread. Delicious! That will be my fun for the day, then I'm coming home to get sleeeeep and finish any more work I've got to do.

Congrats to Ryan and Laura today - Happy Wedding!!! I miss you guys, I wish I was there!!! I hope it's everything you've always dreamed.

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