Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Welcome to Autumn

AUS. Tues Mar 1 8:35pm / T.O. Tues Mar 1 5:35am

As everyone at home is still sleeping my 12 hr day at school has finally come to a close and i'm now back home, exhausted and hungry and ready for bed.
School is STRESSFUL this semester, already! On top of assignments due Next Week we have to worry about getting in our QCT (Queensland College of Teachers) registration papers as well as our OCT (Ontario College of Teachers) papers. The good news: Queensland state is implementing a mandatory testing to be registered in terms of teacher knowledge in subject areas of literacy, numeracy and science; but if you started your degree in 2010 and are finishing this June then you don't have to write it!!!! Horray - one less thing to worry about! All of us Canadians took a big sigh of relief hearing that.
Frustrating stupid annoying news; the school increased our tuition this semester by $700AUD and so my budget for the semester is screwed - that's like all my food for the whole time I'm here, so now I'm re-budeting everything. And you know what, fine, increase tuition but at least let us know! I only found out from my roommate yesterday, not because we were notified by the uni. Jerks!
More good news: I got an email from the Principal of my prac school today; I'm supposed to keep super quiet and not say anything b/c not all prac locations have been allocated yet BUT I am happy to announce that I got placed at Chancellor State College; Primary Campus. It's the school that sits directly next to our university campus, so the same one bus I take to classes now I will take to prac. I don't know what grade yet but that will come. Super excited about my placement!
Before I go I wanted to share that today, March 1st is the first day of fall here in Aus - when I woke up at 6am it was 24degrees outside and by midday it was 34degrees. Tomorrow it's supposed to be highs of 38degrees! Certainly is different from the Canadian Autumn. It's so humid right now that the steps outside our apartment have moisture on them - Gross!
Hugs & kisses

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