Saturday, November 6, 2010

Week 4 of Prac = Finito

T.O. Sat Nov 6, 7:08am / AUS Sat Nov 6, 9:08pm

Two more weeks of prac, I can't believe it's almost over! The next two weeks should fly by, this Tues the kids are spending the day with their Year 6 teachers for next year and the following week we are spending the whole day at a swimming carnival. 8 more days of teaching and this semester is over.
This past week went by relatively slowly but was good nonetheless. On Thurs my teacher wasn't there so I took the opportunity to lead the class for the entire day. I never thought teaching was easy, but it is so much more exhausting than I ever imagined. Not only does the class act up when the teacher's not there but it was pouring rain so they had to stay inside during morning tea as well as lunch. To top it all off they usually have sport from 12-3 and it was cancelled as well. It was a looooong day inside; the kids did really well considering. I had to be mean Miss Paterson a couple of times with kids who weren't listening but for the most part they did as they were told.
Our team lost at trivia this week but I was very excited as one of the questions asked was which river flows over Niagara Falls and I was able to say that I knew the answer b/c I lived there. The trivia host always gets excited for us when I can contribute - usually it's all Aussie history and such.
I haven't been feeling the best this weekend; there's a throat sickness going around my school/class and a bunch of other prac students are sick. Last night I took it really easy, today I went looking for an apartment with Sara and bought a new bathing suit and then hung out by the pool for awhile - a very tough day overall :p
The mall was filled with Christmas decorations, it's hard to believe that Dec 25th is just around the corner. I know I've said this before but it's impossible to think that holidays are coming up when it's 36degrees and sunny outside. I'm dreaming of a White Christmas and by the sounds of things back home I'll get my wish.
Happy daylight savings Canada, after this weekend I'm officially 15hrs ahead instead of 14hrs, it hurts my brain to keep track and will likely make it even more difficult to arrange any "chats" but I'll be home soon enough anyway!

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