Friday, October 22, 2010

Week 2 Complete

T.O. Fri Oct 22, 2:20am / AUS Fri Oct 22, 4:20pm

Another week done!!!
This week went quickly as Monday was a student free day and I attended meetings and prepped for the rest of the week.
Highlights of week 2 include:
basically running the whole class for the whole day on Tues and being praised by my mentor teacher that I don't even need him there I could do this on my own; in front of the other year 5 teacher and a parent.
Immitating funny american accents with my year 5 boy volleyball team.
Celebrating Grandparent's day today with the kids for the morning.
Working with pastels in Art for the kids to recreate Van Gough's Starry Night.
Having the very lovely Pia Foxlow, teaching assistant to year 5, bring me a box of Black Forest Tim Tam's to heighten my Australia visit.
I hope I can stay awake later than 8 pm tonight but we'll see, it's usually pretty good if I can.
The plan for this weekend; groceries, Noosa (if the weather holds up - it gets rainy every time we try to go), hiking up the Glass House Mountains.
The most exciting thing - I've just booked a trip to Sydney for three days at the end of my prac before I come home. While I'm here I really wanted to see Sydney and the Great Barrier Reef, this checks one of those things off my list. Let the Hugh Jackman stalking commence! :)
Just as exciting as booking Sydney is that my trip to Dominican (we switched from Panama) is fast approaching and I've been researching the resort online - so excited to relax for the week with little colourful umbrella's in my drinks!
I'm the luckiest girl ever <3

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