Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Quick Mid-Week Update

T.O. Wed Oct 27, 7:32am / AUS Wed Oct 27, 9:32pm

Since prac started I've been updating the blog at the end of the week b/c frankly, I'm just too tired during the week to do it, but today I have so much good news to share that I'm writing before I crawl into bed.

Before I begin I will outline how the grading system at Uni goes...
High Distinction (HD) - 90-100%
Distinction (D) - 80 - 89%
Credit (C) - 70 - 79%
Pass (P) - 55 - 69%
Fail (F) - <55%>40/40!!! So pumped! I don't think I've ever received 100% on anything before. And not that I'm promoting this is the best way to go about school work... but, that essay was due in the midst of our last week of uni before prac started when i was homesick over missing thanksgiving and i wasn't even sure if i was on the right track and kinda threw it all together in one afternoon, happy to just have it done and out of the way. To sum; I thought it was a horrible essay, and I got perfect!

To contiue my awesome day the other Year 5 teacher in the room next to mine offered to take me out this afternoon so we went out around Caloundra and saw the boardwalk and King's Beach and had some dinner outside and we chatted and shared stories, we have similar philosophies about teaching and she's just such a lovely lady.

After dinner I got home just in time for trivia - literally as I got out of Shaynee's car Clinton and Kate were driving by to go, so I hopped in their car and off we went and We Won Trivia Tonight!!! Last time we won they set it up for us, if more than 3 glasses at the bar break then it's 'backwards' night and the losers win - so it was a pity win though we were still happy about it. Tonight though, we did it all on our own. I was so excited because one of the questions was What US city is Coca-Cola originally from and I knew it was Atalanta because I was there two years ago for the ASTD conference with Mom and we even toured the place quickly. Clinton and Kate joked that if we won by 1 point then it was because of that question and what do you know ... we won by 1 point!!!

Been an amazing day and now it's time for sleep, hope the good luck continues tomorrow!!!

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