Saturday, October 2, 2010

Christmas Is Upon Us

T.O. Sat Oct 2, 6:30am / AUS Sat Oct 2, 8:30pm

I know it seems too early, but Christmas is beginning to happen. Usually I try to wait until after American Thanksgiving to let my Christmas excitement escape but here in Oz there are no major holidays to seperate now from Dec 25th. They don't have Thanksgiving, they don't have Halloween ... It has started! First my prac teacher mentions that Christmas is approaching so we'll be doing a lot of holiday stuff, then I see a commercial the other day that said 'Don't Miss Out on this Pre-Christmas Sale' and then in the mall yesterday a few stores had Christmas countdowns in their window displays (only 86 days) and Darren received word that his work Christmas party is Dec 4th (gooooing to be fighting off jetlag during that one). The strangest part is witnessing how much warmer it gets here each day, it makes me feel like I should be heading into July instead.

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