Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Somebody Up There Loves Me

T.O. Tues Sept 28, 2:30am / AUS Tues Sept 28, 4:30pm

As it so happens I ran out of shampoo, conditioner and body wash all in the same day. After an unsuccessful trek to the beach today with Marieke (unsuccessful = sunny when we left, cloudy and raining when we were there) I needed a shower. Having no essentials for a shower I decided to make the 30 min long walk to Sam's to pick up some soaps. It was still cloudy, but not not yet raining. I walked down there and back and in the second I walked in my door it started a terrential down pour. I literally didn't even know what the sound of the rain was at first because I was so surprised that it had started raining at all and was coming down so heavily. I've now heard that there are severe thundershow warnings out for our area. I didn't get a drop on me.

This coming Thursday I'm going to be taking part in a photoshoot for the local paper to support the fight against breast cancer. In a couple of weeks my residence is hosting a Girls Night In to raise awareness and the paper is doing a story on it, and are thus taking pictures to go along with the story. They've asked us to wear pink.

I got 80% on my last math assignment -yeaaaaah! I get so excited over anything math that I do well in! Nothing else to report, I have three major assignments due next week and I'm not motivated to work on them. Going to make a pot of tea and make myself sit down and do them though.


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