Friday, September 3, 2010

Every Friday Should Be A Day Off

T.O. Fri Sept 3, 12:10am / AUS Fri Sept 3, 2:10pm

Just a couple of exciting things to report on my day off...

#1. I successfully made thai chicken bites for dinner last night!!!!! I only had bone in chicken so I had to cut the meat off (with a very dull knife) before I could really get started but everything after that was excellent, and it was delicious! Thank you to Sandy for the recipe and making it so many times, in watching you I was able to do it myself :)

#2. I went swimming for the first time today! It was Freezing!!! They don't heat pools here, because, as you can imagine, in the summertime it's not necessary. Needless to say, I didn't last very long but it was quite the refresher after walking down to the shops to pick up some groceries today.

#3. We found out yesterday that the formative essay questions we recieved last Monday night in tutorial were actually the wrong essay questions and have now only received the correct ones. The essay is still due this coming Monday.

#4. I got some mail from home today!!!!! :) Thank you Grannie Joyce and Paper for the newsletter and the written note - I feel very loved! I know Aunt Jane will report back to you for me so I will let you know that I have infact heard of the marshmallow test before but hadn't thought to connect in within the classroom - very interesting - I especially appreciate the longitudinal implications. I will tell you all about my learning about learning class when I come home at Christmas!
Side note to everyone else, mail is always exciting and welcomed
8 Varsity View Court, Apt #103
Sippy Downs, QLD 4556
... just saying.

#5. I bought myself some imported strawberries today as a treat. They are delicious!
#6. On Wednesday nights I've joined Clinton, Kate, and Tara for trivia out in Caloundra. It's so much fun. A lot of the trivia is Australia related and I'm not much help but I love it. Last week we were in dead last (the usual) but this past Wed we came in 3rd last - we're getting better!!! Each week there is a jackpot set of questions after the weekly trivia and the jackpot is up to $540. We're convinced, next week it's all ours!!!
#7. When I went to the zoo I paid to hold the koala and have my picture taken with him. I had to take a picture of the picture they gave me so the quality isn't great but I thought I would post it anyway. Slater the Koala was sooo sooo sooooooo soft (they have 3 layers of furr) and he smells sweet like the eucalyptus leaves they eat. I must report though that baby koala's eat their mothers poo when they're first born. Not attractive. Slater is a full grown Koala. I love his ears.

Court xo

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