Sunday, September 5, 2010


T.O. Sun Sept 5, 8:13pm / AUS Mon Sept 6, 10:13am

Having a bit of a crap day. I'm so homesick. For Aus, Labour Day weekend is in May. In fact all of their holidays are in the beginning of the year. There are no days off until Christmas. Which means I'm in the midst of my crap Monday. 7 weeks in and I'm actually getting used to it. It always makes me feel productive at least. Today though I just want to curl up in bed under the blankets and sleep. I've been having terrible nightmares the last couple of nights so even though I'm getting lots of sleep it's interrupted and disturbing.
Right now I'm missing (in no particular order):
my bed/pillows/comforter
my beautiful bella bleu
flash and winston
all my books
dinner's i don't have to cook for myself
my blf
my brothers - all of you
the cottage
my amazing friends
my wonderful parents - momma, brett, dad, and dianne
my family - immediate and extended
friday night bowling
taking the go train downtown
the idea of thanksgiving
peach yoguart
my smooshie and my nook

It's just one of those days. I want to come home.

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