Friday, July 16, 2010


T.O. 11:48pm Friday / AUS 1:48 pm Sat

I'm here!
it's day 2. I arrived yesterday after a very Very VERY long plane ride.
Leaving Toronto was hard, I cried like a baby all the way to the security gate. My mom and Darren were there with me to say goodbye. We had a caramel frpaccino before I had to board. I <3 Starbucks.
I made it to Vancouver just in time to purchase a slice of pizza and get on the plane. As it was an overnight trip for everyone onboard they dimmed the cabin lights after dinner so that people could sleep - it was painfully uncomfortable though and I was worried I would wake up snuggled into the shoulder of the old smelly new zealand man beside me. The last flight was the hardest. It was so early in the morning Aus time but so late in the day for me, I just wanted to get here, and I was homesick already. I hadn't cried since I left Toronto until I had to fill out the customs form and they asked for an emergency contact - it hit home that I was far away and all by myself.
The airport shuttle I booked was Amazing - they had a signed with my name on it and I was the first stop! We made it from the airport to my rez in just under an hour.
When I checked in the they got me all settled with my keys and information to hook up my internet and phone (though the phone doesn't work...) and took my photo id card picture - yep, that's right... 26 hrs on a plane and i'm having my picture taken, it never fails.
I tried to stay up yesterday as long as I could, to help adjust with the time change but by 2pm here I was exhausted, I fell asleep until 7pm, got up for an hour, ate a piece of pizza and then went back to bed at 8pm. I woke up this morning at 5am, wrote a couple of quick emails and then went back to sleep until 8:30am.
So far today I've done a lot of walking. I went over to the IGA and saw what was in the litle plaza only 5 mins. down the road. Then I went for a walk around the campus to see where everything is. The buildings are all closed for the weekend but it was nice to see. The best thing so far, the absolute most amazing make me stop in my tracks was when I was on campus and I saw something move out of the corner of my eye, right beside me was a kangaroo. I didn't want to get much closer incase he kicked me but it was so amazing - I've only ever seen them in the zoo before, and though I knew they'd be around I still wasn't expecting it. so cool.
After that I took a longer walk down to the main roads where they have a large grocery store, a liquor store (where there was no wild vines *tear*), the banks and a bunch of other shops. Wandered around for a bit and then came back.
I'm unpacking now and at 3pm my time, I have a msn date with Darren (<3)
Oh and I feel compelled to let you know I've come across my first spider - it's about one tenth the size of a penny and it's completely white. In the chance that it's dangerous, I've crushed it.
That's all for today, take care everyone - I miss you!

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