Wednesday, May 26, 2010

7 weeks left

Only 7 weeks to go until I'm gone!
Happy and sad about it.

Slowly things keep falling into place as I get ready to leave. I had to renew my passport before I leave even though it doesn't expire until next March. The picture's awful, I know they're never good, but it's really bad. I was almost hoping that the photographer did something incorrectly so that the pic didn't meet guidelines and I would have to get another one taken. No such luck.
Once my new passport is issued I have to apply for my student visa - which - probably should have been done a couple of weeks ago...
I'm all signed up for my first semester classes - Not Looking Forward to the 4hr math workshop I have every Monday. Actually I'm not looking forward to Monday's at all, I have class 8am - 10am, 12pm - 8pm. The rest of the week is a breeze and I've got Friday's off which I'm SO EXCITED about/will use to prep for Monday's.

Started getting things checked off my list of what I want to do before I go - went to a Jay's game a couple weeks ago and I'm def going downtown for the July 1st fireworks. I changed my mind about camping though, I don't know what I was thinking... I'm replacing camping with a relaxing weekend by the pool with yummy drinks and taking my grandparents out for dinner at Swiss Chalet!
Just spent a beautiful May 24 weekend up at the cottage and have one more planned for June 19th with the whole family! Cannot wait to get that boat in the water, roast marshmallows, bbq everything I eat and play drinking games.

So anyway, 7 weeks to go and not at all mentally prepared, but getting there

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention that I got out for a round of golf too! Darren and I went out to High Hope Farm - a little family owned place that sells delicious butter tarts as well as 18 holes. Anyway, about 4 years ago I had sworn that I would never play golf again but gave it another shot and I actually had a good time! Darren was very patient and gave great advice on how to improve my swing and aim. I may have lost about 8 balls but it was toally worth it -- aaaaand I legitimately tied Darren on the 18th hole - awesomeness!
