Saturday, October 16, 2010

Week 1 complete

T.O. Sat Oct 16, 9:11pm / AUS Sun Oct 17, 11:11am

Survived the first week of prac and looking forward to the next 5 weeks in my classroom!!!
Monday was a great first day. Tuesday - Thurs I can barely remember and everyone was excited when Friday rolled around. I have never been so tired in my entire life! The alarm goes off at 5:45 so I can get ready and catch the shuttle to school at 7:25 over at the Uni.
Classes start at 8:25, morning tea from 10:30 - 11, lunch from 12:50 - 1:40 and then the day ends for the kids at 3pm.
The first week was a lot of observations and getting to know the kids and the classroom, seeing how things work and the flow of their learning. This week I'll be taking on more of a teaching role though as they are fast approaching the end of their school year (summer break and christmas holidays) they've completed many of their units already and much of what they work on is review of the concepts they've already covered. I'm officially doing maths with the kids everyday. I thought I botched it the first time but my mentor teacher said he thought I did great. I told him I need to keep doing math with them everyday b/c it's where I feel I need the most work, so despite how terrifying it is to me, we're moving forward with Miss Paterson and math each day after morning tea.
The hardest part about prac is that I'm already at school by the time people at home are getting in from work so I wasn't able to talk to anyone back home but I had lovely phone calls with Darren, Mom & Brett, and Dad & Dianne this weekend.
Tomorrow morning at 7am online enrollment for next semester opens up - I'm going to have to register as fast as I possibly can and then run to the shuttle, if I get the classes I want I will only be in school Mon - Wed.
And it's official - next semester I'll be living out of residence with Sara and Leyla - we're looking for a place down in Mooloolaba or Alex Headlands, close to the beach. Such a hard life...
Going out with my book to enjoy the sunshine before researching for my lessons, it's been raining so much that you can't miss out on sunny days!

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