Thursday, October 7, 2010

I'm DONE!!!

T.O. Thurs Oct 7, 9:30am / AUS Thurs Oct 7, 11:30pm

I have handed in my last assignment for the semester!!! The theoretical component is finished - Horray! I officially attented every single class. I know that seems like nothing special but before I came I promised myself that I would not skip classes and I would not procrastinate. Today marks the fact that I stuck to those goals. Ok... I did procrastinate quite a bit, but I handed every assignment in on time and it looks like I'm coming out of the semester with a Distinction. Go Me!
I wanted to celebrate but I'm completely exhausted. Last night I was up late finalizing my unit plan, was woken up at 4:30 am by all the crazy birds that decided to serenade me for an hour and a half, and then again by my roommate at 7:30am who's taken to using free weights on our balcony (to which I share a wall - where the head of my bed is) that he simply drops onto the tile when he's completed his reps. Needless to say, I've come to loathe him. Needless to say, I'm about to fall asleep as I type this.

We did receive something cute today that I wanted to share ... my TA for Primary Curriculum is a Gr. 6 teacher and she asked her students to make a list for us on what they think makes a good teacher, so that we may use it with our own students. On behalf of Jenelle and her students (Braiden, Chris, David, Will, Eagan, Jack, Ben, Brayden, Kane, Adam, Tate, Tom, Joseph, Lachlan, Jacob, Lockie, Stjepan, Jade, Deja, Jessica, Faith, Isabella, mia, Hollie, Juliette, Kellie, Emily, Lauren, & Jess), this is what they came up with:

Take us out for games
Cares for everyone
Dresses well
Has a joke
Doesn't wear a tie
Let you do what you want
Different from others
Allows talking
A bit sporty
Has a friendly smile
Is not srict or obnoxious
Is bright and cheerful
Lets the students share their input
Takes in the students ideas
Helps the students
Not bossy
Makes us work but then gives us a reward
Time for kids
A good educator
Free time
Is very kind
Make learning fun
Is a leader
Can relate to kids
Is honest
Shows responsibility
Understand where the children are coming from
Always remember what you wanted when you were in school
Don't try to be cool
Letting the kids have more free time if they behave
Less homework
More parties
Only gets mad sometimes
Not laugh at us when we stuff up
Doesn't yell
Gives everyone a chance
Be a fun teacher, not a boring one
Let the children pick the subject
Encourages students
Makes learning easy
Not working all the time
Cares about learning
Spends time on students with difficulty
Makes sure things are fair
Comforts children if upset or lonely
Puts compassion into teaching
To have time for all kids
And to have time for you
To use pictures when teaching
Teaching outside
As a teacher to have a hobby that shows a lot makes kid's remember you for a life time
Keeps the kids active and fit
Doesn't butt in when you are speaking
Sets a good example
Someone who doesn't pick favourites
A teacher that beleives in you

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