Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

T.O. Sun Oct 10, 5:08am / AUS Sun Oct 10, 7:08pm

I just got home from an awesome Thanksgiving dinner with the other Canadians in the Education program. We all pitched in to bring something and we ended up with So Much Food!!! I have delicious pasta salad leftovers for days! Marieke and Clinton made Uncle Darrell's yams with marshmallows toasted on top and it was just like being at home.
I'd been in a terribly grumpy, oh pity-me kind of mood most of the day with the awful weather, the stress of prac starting tomorrow and not being home with my family and friends for the holiday but dinner really cheered me up. Not only was there a ton (or Heaps, as the Aussie's would say) of food but it was a happy friendly atmosphere and everyone had a good time.
So instead of being grumpy and stressed I'm being thankful for everything that I have, as one should be on Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for the clothes on my back, the food in my fridge, the opportunities I've been given, my amazing parents, my wonderful friends, & my awesome boyfriend.
6 weeks of Prac starts first thing tomorrow morning, bright and early, I will be home in 7, let the countdown begin!

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