Monday, August 2, 2010

Kangaroo's, Timtam's, Shooting Stars ... oh, and some classes too

T.O. 6:01am Mon Aug 2nd / AUS 8:01pm Mon Aug 2nd

Survived another Monday. I was better prepared this week, I had a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs on toast with yogart and packed a lunch! Oh and Marieke so thoughtfully brought TimTam's to lecture today so that we could have a delicious snack while our brain's overloaded.
Despite my preperation and the chocolate, it was still a killer day.
The good news: we finally received instruction for our assignments due next week - one of which was pushed back by another week so there is extra time to work on it - and now I understand what it is they are expecting from us and what it is I need to create.
My EDU101 - Learning about Learning lecture was so pointless. I wrote down the date and the lecture topic and that was it. Waste of a piece of paper. Tutorial wasn't much better. I'm not sure if it's because this class is Psyc 101 all over again or what, but it's lacking something. On the up side my group picked our Tutorial presenation date and it's not during a week that 100 other assignments are due.

Between classes today there was a section of campus where the kangaroo's were lounging about. I was hoping for some really good pictures but I didn't want to get too close. One of the kangaroo's had a Joey in her pouch and she was def. on the watch for any trouble so I stayed fairly close to the path. My favourite kanga was the one sleeping - it was all stretched out on it's side with it's paws under his head - just like a person would.
Despite the cold today the skies were clear and I saw a shooting star on my way home - the stars are beautiful here, there are no big city lights to drown them out. Didn't even have time to make a wish but it was nice to see all the same.

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