Wednesday, February 24, 2010

AUS Here I Come!

I'm Going To Australia!!!!! It still doesn't feel real. Even with all the money I've already spent to get there, I have a hard time believing I'm going. But I'm Going!

Number 1 thing on my mind: What am I going to wear....
Number 2 thing on my mind: I can't believe I started a blog. I specifically remember a couple of years ago swearing to myself that I would never Ever have a blog. I'm stubborn enough to have believed this would stay true, but here I am.
I figured with my trip coming up this would be a good way to keep in touch with everyone...
I'm starting this a little early considering I don't leave for another couple of months - but I am a procrastinator at heart and thus I blog. If you're wondering how starting this blog months ahead of time is procrastination and not the result of extreme organizational skills and excitement - it's secret procrastination. I have so many things to do to get ready, instead of doing them, I'm writing this, and therefore procrastinating, like I do best.
I am preparing as much as I can though. I sent a deposit to Varsity Apartments today so that I have a place to live when I show up. That's enough for this week. Pat on the back for me :)
I was so worried I wasn't going to get into residence. A couple of weeks ago when I was filling out the applications I had my first pre-departure break down. They asked for a list of my interests (how dare they!?!?) and I couldn't think of a single thing to write.
What am I interested in? I'm interested in getting into rez in Australia so I don't have to live in the outback with the wild dingo's - that's what I'm interested in!
In ridiculous frustration I left the section blank I broke down crying and declaring that they'll never let me in because I have no hobbies. I decided on the next application that I would show them, I filled out the interests section like it was my job, with full time benefits. and a pension. and 7 weeks paid vacation...
In retrospect I may have exaggerated a little bit ... running isn't exactly one of my past times, but that's not the point. The point is that I Got In! I have a place to live (phew)! Aaaand even better than that - I Am Going To Have My Own Bathroom. Woot! It's the little things :)
Ok to focus. What's left to get ready....
Buy plane ticket by Feb 24 -- that's today: clearly not happening.
Book airport transfer
Pay tuition by March 1 -- that's next week: crap
Obtain CoE (certificate of enrollment)
Get student visa
Buy AUS health insurance -- mandatory country law: they know all the gross bugs can kill us in one quick bite (not excited about this part).
Follow up with Blue Card application
Follow up with Community Participation Hours
Pack My Life into 2 suitcases -- going to need much more luggage than airlines allow.
Open a AUS bank account
Do Not Freak Out! I'm sitting at a 50/50 scared/excited ratio with only one mascara tears episode so far, I think I'm doing really well!

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